Wir suchen stets die beste Lösung
Unsere Kunden profitieren von unserer besonderen Lösungskompetenz, die weit über die eines klassischen Herstellers oder Ingenieurdienstleisters hinausgeht. Kunden nutzen unser einzigartiges Know How sowie unseren Marktüberblick. Gemeinsam erarbeiten wir innovative Teil- oder Gesamtlösungen, die stets das technisch Machbare, wirtschaftlich umsetzen. Im Sinne der besten Lösung kommen eigene Produkte, wie auch Fremdprodukte zum Einsatz.
Planning & Design

As measurement technology service providers, we address primarily experimental measurement applications in research, development, testing, quality assurance and maintenance.
Having a team of engineers from different disciplines, as well as physicists, mathematicians, automotive engineers, electrical engineers, mechatronics engineers and computer scientists ensures that your measurement problems will be solved with the highest competence. This includes the full spectrum of consulting and specific application measurement, data analysis and management, all the way to complete turn-key solutions.
Working in close cooperation with our customers, we are available to provide support on anything from individual tasks, up to helping with the entire testing process.
Project consulting
- Project solution strategies
- System components
- Quantity structuring
- Selecting suppliers
- Developing time frames
- Project cost estimation
- Risk assessment and evaluation
- Savings potentials and alternatives
Project bidding/offers
- Creating bid/offer documentation
- Specification requirements
- Offer quotes, compilations and assessments
Technical project support
- Project management
- Organization of project conferences
- Claim and Change Management
- Technical and organizational support from conception to final acceptance
Project cooperation
- Mediation of system and component partners
- Coordination of collaboration