imc STUDIO IV -Implementation of Measurement Sequencing
With the imc SEQUENCER, imc STUDIO provides an inbuilt sequence control system which closes the gap between complex, time-consuming programming (such as with Visual Basic or LabView) and manual operation of the measurement system. Building on basic skills in the use of imc STUDIO and imc FAMOS, participants in this course learn to create complete measurement routines using the imc Sequencer. The tools employed in this process are introduced in detail and their use is practiced. This includes for example, using the user management which can be configured to secure changes against the current applications.
Target Participants:
Users of imc STUDIO who wish to create their own measurement sequencing routines.
Experience in the use of imc STUDIO (Course I, Course II und Course III) and imc FAMOS. The participant needs to use minimally imc STUDIO Professional to have the availability of the imc SEQUENCER function.
Course Content:
- Presentations of the commands
- Creating and using Events
- Automatically emerging Events from the sequence
- User-defined Events - Use of report channels
- Creation of user-defined views
- User management (defining rights for users)
- Parameter Import/Export
- Creation of complex measurement or test procedures
1 Day (9:00 am – 4:30 pm)
Next in training session sequence:
imc STUDIO V - Control and Automation
Schedule: Duration:
Currently scheduled sessions appear in our Training Calender.
This training session can also be held at your company location; talk to us about it.