Test stand for transmission actuators
Extensive testing – automatic evaluation – fast results
- The device under test (DUT), an EC motor, undergoes a variety of tests
- Characteristic curve measurement with acoustic testing
- Back EMF
- Torque ripple
- Entire manual control
- Testing with customer specific ECU instead of inbuilt controller - The controller for the device under test is in the test stand and the test sequence integrated with parameterization and control via CAN
- Extensive parameter sets allow for flexible adaptation of the test sequences for the respective DUT
- Temperature controlled pauses ensure consistent test conditions
- Customized vibration-decoupled mechanics enable interference-suppressed structure-borne noise testing
Integrate testing and control with imc:
- Data acquisition with imc CRONOSflex 2000G with audio module in the test room
- Calculation and visualization of characteristics in real time
- Automated data storage in database
- Traceability of measurement data to test parameters
- Report generation with imc software solution imc FAMOS
- Test stand sequence control with imc measurement devices
2 of these test stands are being used by customers worldwide in Würzburg and Detroit. Transmission actuators are used in dual-clutch transmissions, transfer cases and for oil supply. Fast switching times and fuel-efficient driving style are possible through the use of electromechanical components in transmissions.