Discover the new possibilities of imc FAMOS 7.4
"With the new data format and the powerful curve window, imc FAMOS 7.4 displays data faster than ever before."
New data format
With the new data format and the powerful curve window, imc FAMOS 7.4 displays data faster For the new release of imc FAMOS 7.4, imc has developed a completely new data format: imc3
With the new imc3 data format, imc addresses the trend of ever-increasing data volumes. With imc FAMOS, large files can be loaded and displayed much faster.
New data format
With the new data format and the powerful curve window, imc FAMOS 7.4 displays data faster For the new release of imc FAMOS 7.4, imc has developed a completely new data format: imc3
With the new imc3 data format, imc addresses the trend of ever-increasing data volumes. With imc FAMOS, large files can be loaded and displayed much faster.
Accelerated configuration of the data browser
Thanks to a new option for the simplified representation of the directory tree, the construction of the data browser is considerably accelerated, especially for network drives or directories with many subdirectories.
Accelerated curve window display
The curve window has also received a performance upgrade: the display of very large amounts of data has been significantly accelerated with the new release.
Convolution of code blocks
The blocks are recognized by keywords for sequence control (e.g., WHILE, FOR, IF, END). Comment lines can also be convolved if they are within the characters ;> and ;<.
Syntax highlighting
The syntax highlighting has been optimized in the new version. The style for functions, flow controls, texts, constants and comments can now be defined individually with font, font color and font style (bold, italic, underlined).
Improved search functions
Search with regular expressions, highlighting of all found locations in the text, list of last searched/replaced patterns.
More new features
The Sequence-Editor has been extended by numerous helpful functions such as:
- Optimized selection options in the Sequence-Editor. For example, an entire word or line can be automatically selected with a double or triple click. A rectangular selection of the editor content is now also possible.
- The selection of an entire line is additionally possible via a keyboard shortcut.
- Selected areas can now be moved by drag & drop.
- Moving breakpoints and bookmarks with the mouse.
With projects everything is under control
Find projects faster
In order to keep track of numerous projects, the column "Date of last change" has been added to the Project Explorer.
Projects now with import filter
For professional work with imc FAMOS, projects are a central tool: all important files are combined in it. This simplifies the distribution and loading of analyses. With imc FAMOS 7.4 this becomes even more comfortable, since important import/export files such as ASCII/EXCEL import configurations, ASCII/EXCEL export templates and import filters are automatically saved in the project.
imc FAMOS Apps: Individual user interfaces and analyses
Panels as dialogs
In the new version 7.4, panels can now be used as dialogs for the first time. This allows projects created by the user to be made available to other users in a protected and unchangeable dialog environment. The access to the imc FAMOS environment remains hidden and the user works exclusively in his own app.
Operation of the panel with keyboard
Widgets can be run through in a defined order with the tab key using the new property "Tab-Index". This allows a fast and comfortable user guidance by keyboard.
Password protection
With the new password protection for panels, you can protect your own developments such as evaluation algorithms, sequences and interfaces from access by third parties.
Curve windows
User Ticks
With the new axis setting "User Ticks", users can insert additional ticks with labels in the curve window. For example, a limit, start/stop time or something similar can be displayed as an additional fixed axis label. Font size, font type, color, inclination and position are freely adjustable.
The font size of the legend can now be set independently of other elements (axes, markers, etc.).
New Functions
More and extended Excel functions
For many users, the interaction between imc FAMOS and MS Excel is an important component in the exchange with colleagues, customers and partners. With the new version, the possibilities have been more expanded:
- XlWbOpen(): Excel files can now also be opened with password.
- XlWbGetCount(): The number of currently open Excel files is determined.
- XlWbGetName(): The name of an open Excel file is determined.
- XlWbExist(): Checks whether an Excel file with a given name is currently open.
- XlSheetGetCount(): The number of sheets in the active Excel file is determined.
- XlSheetGetTitle(): The title of a sheet in the active Excel file is determined.
- XlSheetExist(): Checks if there is a sheet with a given title in the active Excel file.
- XlSheetInsertCopy(): The copy of a sheet is inserted into the active Excel file.
- XlSheetMove(): The position of a sheet in the active Excel file is changed or a sheet from another Excel file is moved to the active Excel file.
- XlSheetRename()Rename a sheet in the active Excel file.
- XlSheetSetOption(): Sets display and print options for the active sheet.
- XlSelectRange(): Selects a cell or cell range.
- XlGetSelectedRange(): Excel: Query selected range.
- XlPaste(): Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the active sheet.
- XlFind(): Searches the current sheet for text.
Cutting of data sets
The cutting of data sets can now also be carried out using the gren or cut function by specifying absolute times. This is supplemented by the new cutdt function, which can now also be used to cut data sets with different sampling rates. In addition, the desired length of the section can be specified instead of an end time.
Voice output
With the new SpeakText function, users can output texts, instructions, states, results and much more via speech. The SpeakConfig function can also be used to configure the voice output (speed, etc.).
Calculate without losing meta-information
If the content of a variable is overwritten during calculations, its meta-information and properties can still be retained. Users only have to mark the variable with the indexer [*].
More new features
- Dialogs:
- For dialogs there is a new element "Option group (Radiogroup)".
- Dialogs: Now supports the focus change by using Tab key between the elements
- New functions:
- GrExpand(): Expand data group
- xpand groups by menu command: Groups with measurement affiliation can also be expanded (expanded channels get the same measurement).
- PnShowPage(): Control the visibility and usability of a panel page.
- PnRemovePage(): Delete a panel page.
- RenameMeasurement(): The name of a measurement in the data browser can now be renamed.
- Expanded functions:
- GetSystemInfo("Famos.IsKitAvailable", …): Query if a special extension kit exists.
- SetOption("DLLImport.DefinitionFile", …): Activate definition file for external DLL functions via sequence.
- GetOption("Dir.DefinitionFiles"): Returns the directory for definition files.
- FileLoad(): It is now possible to use import filters that are currently deactivated.
- Dialog(): It is now possible to specify a panel file, which is executed.
- FileOpenDSF(), FileSave(), FileLoad() supports the new imc3 format.
- FileOpenSave() can now also use the "imc/Text" and "imc/Video" formats when loading.
- A new parameter for the font style of the user-defined legend and ticks has been added to the function library of the curve kit.
Version history
imc FAMOS 7.3
- Interface / Usability
- Variable list with column display
- Sorting and filtering by columns (metadata)
- Extended tree display
- Sequence editor
- Status barr
- New possibilities in the panel
- File Explorer on the panel
- New widget: Radio button (options field)
- Storage for panel pages and widgets
- Widget "simple button" now also colored
- Widgets in general
- Alignment
- Shortcuts
- New functions
- Matrix functions
- The functions around matrix calculation have been significantly extended through the following functions:
- MatrixEigen: Determine eigenvalues, eigenvectors and zeros of polynomials
- MatrixInit: Zero or unit matrix
- MatrixPart: The function returns a partial matrix. The area of rows and columns to be cut must be completely within the matrix.
- MatrixGet: Query elements of a matrix. Linearization of a data set via a 2-dimensional characteristic curve field.
- MatrixSet: Set elements of a matrix as counter function to MatrixGet.
- MatrixMerge: Copy a smaller matrix to a larger one at a specific position.
- MatrixChangeDim: Change dimensions, insert and delete rows or columns.
- MatrixAdd: Addition and subtraction of two matrices or vectors, including their transposed ones.
- MatrixIpol: Factors to be specified multiply the data points (resolution) of a matrix along rows and columns by interpolation.
- Determining values from characteristic maps
- Determine eigenvalues of matrices and zeros of polynomials
- Advanced statistics functions: R-connection
- Report & documentation
- New export interface to PowerPoint
- Optimized PDF export